Automatic Stop
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 7:44 a.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Room On Fire
Song Author
Julian Casablancas
File Size
68 KB
So ma-ny fish there in the sea. I want-ed you, you want-ed me. That's just a phase, it's got to pass. I was a train mov-ing too fast, did-n't un-der-stand what to see. Yeah, then I got a dif-f'rent view, it's you no. Wait, I'm a gon-na give it a break. I'm not your friend, I nev-er was. I said wait, I'm a gon-na give it a break. I'm not your friend, I nev-er was no. So ma-ny fish there in the sea. She want-ed him, he want-ed me. That's just a phase, it's got to pass. I was a train mov-ing too fast, Yeah, I know you warned me but this is too im-por-tant, ah now I got a dif-f'rent view it's you. Why can't you wait, I'm a gon-na give it a break. I'm not your friend, I nev-er was. I said wait, I'm a gon-na give it a break. I'm not your friend, I nev-er was.